Radiology Subspecialties – Extra Education and Training Make the Difference

Many people may not realize that a radiologist is a licensed physician who has completed four years of medical school, extensive residency training, and some complete fellowship training as well. Such comprehensive education and training is necessary to accurately diagnose, manage and treat disease while utilizing the latest advances in technology and procedural applications. Many of Radiology Associates Imaging’s radiologists have completed subspecialty fellowships, ensuring expertise and hands-on experience in their respective areas of study.

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RAI’s team radiologists are board certified, demonstrating their training and experience to utilize the latest and most advanced diagnostic tools to accurately diagnose disease and work directly with a wide range of specialists to help plan any necessary treatment.

The extra training and testing not only help deliver optimal treatment, they also add an extra measure of security for patients. After all, when you need a diagnostic or therapeutic service, you want to know your doctor is exceptionally trained, experienced and qualified. It’s our commitment to safety, security and accuracy that makes RAI the preferred provider of diagnostic and interventional radiology services for countless medical practitioners throughout the communities we serve.